Our Member Cansui was at FP!


IsotTeam at the Etsy FP!!!

Wonderful day! Our 3 team members was feautured at the Etsy FP!!!

Big Welcome to Our New Members

Here is our new Members! Welcome to the Group!

Turkish Days in New York

Facebook Fan Page nasil acilir?

1) ISOT'un fanpageine gidin: www.facebook.com/ISOTLadies

2) Sol- alt tarfada (Links kutusun altinda) 'Create a page for my business' a tiklayin

3) 'Brand, Product of Organization' i isaretleyip 'online store' u secin

4) Fanpaginize vermek istediginiz adi 'name of online store' a yazin

5) 'I am authorized to create this page' i isaretleyip alintdaki kutuya isminizi yazin

6) 'create page' a tiklayin

NOT: Sayfanizi olusturduktan sonra halka acik olmasi icin 'publish this page' i tiklamaniz gerekiyor.

Another FP! Thanks Evihan!

Our member http://www.evihan.etsy.com/ 's treasury was featured st ETSY FP! There are 4 Team Members in it.

Haberler (News from the team Members)

Our member icha was feautured at Etsy Front Page!

List made by other ISOT member FebystanDesigns

Congratulations  FebystanDesigns and icha !

Hadi hep beraber Make-up Oyunu oynayalim!

Let's come and join us. We are playing a game in our team. This week's subject is fall colors, halloween and Thanksgiving. If you have any item in this subject and want to get a critique please post your item here!

Arkadaslar hadi hep birlikte bir oyun oynayalim. Bu oyunu oynarken ayni zamanda hem dukkanlarimizi, hem tim'imizi tanitalim, hem de dukkanlarimizi gelistirelim.

Oyunun Kurallari
1. Oyun 7 is gunu sureyle oynanicak ve bittiginde bir sonraki oyun baslayacak.

2. Secilen konu ile ilgili ilk once Admin-nakpunar tarafindan bir forum acilacak ve linki size Oyunun konusu ile birlikte bildirilecek.

3. Bildirilen Konu hakkinda ilk once dukkaninizda uygun urun var mi yok mu bunu ilgili foruma yazicaksiniz.

4.Hepimiz bu urunlerle ilgili yorumlarda bulunacagiz: tag, resim, description, renkler vs.

5.Picnik.com'dan 2 resimlik bir kolaj yapicaksiniz. Solda urununuzun ilk resmi sagda da yeni resmi bulunacak. Bunlari hem Flickr'da grup sayfasina yollayacaksiniz hemde www.isotladies.etsy.com'a. Boylece bizde en iyi duzenlenen urun icin oylama acip 1. , 2. ve 3. uyemizi sececegiz.

6.Oyunda en basarili olan arkadasin dukkani ile ilgili bir roportaj blogumuzda yayinlanacak. Tum arkadaslar bununla ilgili kendi blog ve twitter'larindan duyuru yapacaklar.

7.Ayrica bu konu ile ilgili mumkun oldugunca treasury yapmaya calisacagiz.

21-27 Eylul : Kis renkleri (Fall Colors), Halloween, Sukran Gunu
28-04 Ekim : Gri (Gray)
05-11 Ekim : Cicek (Flowers)

For questions please contact www.ILoveYoYo.etsy.com


Our very First Sale from The Team Store from WWW.HOBBYTIME.ETSY.COM

We made our very first sale from the Team Store. Item was donated by Hobby Time. You can find customize sew-on iron-on Stickers in his store.

Thank You very much Fatih!

Our 5 Team members at Etsy FP with Our Member Dalim's Treasury

I am so Happy! Our 5 team members at the Etsy FP!


Haberler (News from the team Members)

Our member ıkabags is feautured at Etsy Front Page today! Congratulations Feyza!

Haberler (News from the team Members)

Our member, Nurbahar will undergo an operation today. Nurbahar, we hope you'll get better soon.

Haberler (News from the team Members)

Our member http://www.ayca.etsy.com/ was feautured at Etsy Front Page for first time! Congrulations Ayca!

LABOR DAY Weekend Deals September 4-7 CODE: WEEKEND DEALS

Buy 2 Emery Filled pincushions and get 1 evil eye pincushion free
Buy 3 cup Emery and get 1/2 cup free!
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♥20% discounted prices are in my shop
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